Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Ram Temple and Fascist BJP-RSS's Election Campaign

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On 22nd January, a temple was inaugurated in Ayodhya. It is the temple of the mythical character lord Ram. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the programme.

There was 
a 16th century mosque there named Babri Masjid. It was demolished by BJP-RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists on 6th December 1992. At that time, the Congress government was in the Centre. Their security forces allowed the incident to happen. After that, a communal riot broke out. Consequently, thousands of people were killed.

The Supreme Court could not punish the criminals properly. Later in 
2019, ordered the disputed land to be handed over for construction of a Ram temple. Also ordered to build a mosque besides, but nothing was done for that still now.

Now the Narendra Modi government is sponsoring the temple inauguration event. Hindu nationalist BJP-RSS is trying to spread communal polarisation. According to some political analysts, they are trying to reap dividends in the next election. They are trying to divert people's attention from real-life problems. Poverty, inequality, and unemployment are growing. The Modi government is selling the country to corporations.

They are organising hypes around the country. Provoking communal division and violence. Trying to establish Hindu Rashtra by ignoring secularism which is mentioned in our constitution.



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