

Taliban Again Captured Afghanistan which is Devastated by US Intervention

 Ajay Roy

Taliban took control of Kabul on 15th August. The government had fallen. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled from the country. Many people are terrified and trying to go abroad. An unstable situation has arisen at Kabul airport. People also protested in the streets. Taliban forces fired at them. News is coming from various parts of the country that women are being tortured. They are facing forced marriages. Wearing burkha has become mandatory.

Taliban are talking about the formation of a government. They are also promising "general amnesty". But according to media reports, they are actually conducting revengeful activities in many areas. The US and Nato withdrew their ground forces a few days ago. Even after that, the US air force was bombing Afghanistan. But Taliban took control of various regions very fast and moved forward. Ultimately they captured Kabul.

In the past, Washington provided support to Islamic fundamentalist organisations like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda against Soviet forces. Taliban are mainly Pashtun. They had also formed a government in Afghanistan. At that time, women and minority communities were deprived of their basic rights. Terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda got shelter there. But in 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attack, US and Nato forces launched a military offensive against Afghanistan in the name of “War against Terrorism". Taliban government had fallen apart. A US-supported new regime was established.

Anyone who opposed US colonial occupation in Afghanistan was charged as a terrorist and imprisoned. Many civilians were tortured and killed. The US-supported puppet government was extremely corrupt. So, people got angry. Taliban utilised that opportunity to spread their influence again. The conflict was going on. Both sides violated human rights.

The US spent $ 2 trillion in Afghanistan during the last two decades. [1] But still, the country has a very high level of poverty and inequality. The region is devastated by war. More than one and three-quarter lakh of people were killed during this time. [2] A large part of those dead were civilians.

Afghanistan's location is strategically important. It is also an energy and mineral-rich region. So, the US actually tried to establish hegemony there. But it is noteworthy that the superpower is ultimately defeated in war by a basically local force armed with light weapons.

The Taliban is now trying to wear a ‘moderate’ mask. It is a tactic to get diplomatic recognition in the international community. But actually, they are a fanatic reactionary force. Various incidents are often exposing their actual nature which is hidden underneath their current cosmetic changes. 

A part of the international community is stressing the establishment of peace and human rights in Afghanistan; when discussion regarding the formation of government is going on. Northern Alliance is also active in the Panjshir valley. On the other hand, Rallies have taken place in various cities like Kabul, Jalalabad, Asadabad and Khost on Afghanistan's Independence Day. People participated with the national flag in protest facing Taliban firing.



[1] Patricia Sabga, “The US spent $2 trillion in Afghanistan – and for what?”, August 16, 2021, Aljazeera


[2] Frank Gardner, ‘‘20 years in Afghanistan: Was it worth it?”, April 17, 2021, BBC


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