Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Coffee with Karl Marx


Science Fiction Story 

By Ajay Roy

In 2237, Dr Oliver Wagner, a highly dedicated Communist and talented scientist, embarked on an undercover mission to meet the young Karl Marx and Jenny Marx in their hometown of Trier, Germany. He was acutely aware of the delicate nature of his journey. There was a risk of altering history. So, he was determined to preserve the timeline, ensuring that his presence would not inadvertently change the course of events. Disguised and armed with a wealth of knowledge, he embarked on his mission, ready to take inspiration from the discussions with the Marx couple without revealing his true identity, 

Dr Oliver crafted a remarkable time machine with meticulous precision. It was a sleek and metallic capsule, hummed with latent energy. Its design boasted complex machinery, pulsating lights, and glowing panels, a testament to Dr Oliver's ingenuity. He also learned German with a mid-18th-century Prussian accent.

He stepped inside the machine's secure compartment to embark on his journey to Trier in Marx's time. As the countdown commenced, a powerful vortex materialized before him—a swirling wormhole shimmering with interstellar brilliance. With anticipation, he propelled himself forward, his body enveloped by the wormhole's gravitational embrace. Moments later, he emerged, transported through space and time, standing amidst the cobbled streets of historic Trier.

The town transformed into a magical place as the evening arrived in Trier. The setting sun painted the surroundings with warm golden light, and the air smelled of blooming flowers and earth. The sky turned into a colourful canvas with shades of pink, orange, and violet. The ancient trees swayed gently, casting shadows on the streets. Birds sang soothing songs, and the River Moselle flowed calmly, reflecting the beauty above. Dr Oliver Wagner, observing silently, felt a deep sense of wonder and inspiration. It was a special moment where nature's charm and purpose intertwined, creating a cherished memory.

As Dr Oliver found himself on the road, as pre-planned, he encountered the young Karl Marx and Jenny Marx. Seizing the opportunity, he approached them with a friendly smile. "Excuse me," he began, "I'm new to this town and seem to have lost my way. Could you kindly help me find a cafe?"

Karl Marx, his brows furrowed with intellectual curiosity, responded, "Of course! We would be happy to assist you."

Dr Oliver, careful not to reveal his true identity, started a lively conversation as they walked together through the picturesque streets of Trier. The trio shared thoughts. 

As their discussion went on, they found themselves in a cosy café. They settled into a corner table, savouring cups of steaming coffee.

Jenny Marx, her eyes bright with conviction, spoke passionately. Karl Marx, his voice unwavering, in this lively discussion, expressed the desire for a fairer society. Dr Oliver listened intently, feeling a profound connection to the visionary mind that stood before him. 

With the evening drawing to a close, Dr Oliver left the café. Then he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The lively discussion fueled his determination to carry forward the torch of social change. 


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