Saturday, April 27, 2024

Progressive Social Movements and Activists

Ajay Roy

A few days ago, one of my friends was talking about various personal problems in life. How they have blocked his scope of social activism. Then another friend said, there are various obstacles no doubt. In economic, social, cultural and political life. Also, in personal lives. But activists have to surmount the barricades. Problems can be utilised for self-cultivation and preparation.

He gave an example from his personal experience. Even a physically challenged person can transform his/her handicap into an equivalent asset or advantage. He has acute back pain. It is a nerve-related disease. So the doctor told him to do some orthopaedic exercise daily twice. It takes a total of one hour daily. But if he doesn't do it, it will hamper his normal moving capacity. Then he was depressed. It's a big waste of time, he thought. But after a few days, he tried to utilise the time. Started listening to audiobooks when doing those special exercises. For that, he used a cordless Bluetooth device connected to his mobile phone. 

This now helps him to read at least one book weekly. As he cannot do any other thing while doing the exercise, he is forced to form a reading habit. Otherwise, in a daily hurry, he would not be able to manage the time. Today he feels blessed. He can increase his knowledge and outlook. It helps him in every sphere of life including activism.

As we all know, there are not only personal troubles. At present the whole world is facing various complex problems. Socio-economic, political, cultural, environmental etc. The consequences can be disastrous, if not solved immediately. 

According to a 2024 report by Oxfam, the wealth of the five richest individuals has doubled since 2020. While five billion people have become poorer in "decade of division." That organisation also informed last year that the richest 1% now possess nearly double the wealth of the rest of the world combined.

Such poverty and various kinds of discrimination are the result of the current unhealthy system. But there are also many progressive movements active in various parts of the globe. They are trying to take the initiative to solve these crises. Some of them want radical change - systemic transformation. Aim at an alternative system. Which can ensure more egalitarian human development. Others demand reforms. 

Reforms may be partial. They have limitations. It can be one-sided too. But among them, there can be progressive elements.

Those who sincerely want positive changes must be generally considered as progressive elements. But there are also other elements. They only use progressive phrases. But do otherwise. They actually want to fool others to gain personal importance. When a situation demands firmness, they just surrender and run for vested interest. 

Progressive people can be activists. But all places are not similarly suitable for such work. What can they do? How can they contribute? 

In their country/locality, if there are progressive movements present, then they can simply join them. Donate, and participate in activities and campaigns. Also, subscribe to related literature. 

Some activists may be not only progressive but also radical-minded. They should find that type of organisation. But if such bodies are absent there. They can join at least some organisations where general people are involved. That may not even be a fully progressive body. There can be some other elements too. But they should gather experience and efficiency through participating there. Can try to solve people's real problems and educate them. Gather experience and skill.

Activists cannot always remain in a small circle of like-minded people. But they must try to influence millions. It cannot be done in one day. But a lengthy process, we all know.  

Those who want deep structural changes, have to face systemic problems. Must aim to build a new alternative system in future. Which is a gigantic task. Preparing for that is essential.

As history teaches us, to challenge the system, activists must prepare themselves. Gather great mental and physical strength. Work continuously to be very strong. Be skillful and acquire specialised knowledge. For that, they must do self-cultivation. Should also build powerful organisations and bodies. 

Every activist must have two most important qualities as some great progressive leaders pointed out. Firstly, full dedication to his/her cause. Which requires the development of proper consciousness through special education. Practical training for activists. 

Secondly, efficiency in his/her field of work. It includes business-like professional expertise and mastery of using technology too. Both this dedication to his/her ideas and expertise must be properly combined.

Great progressive and radical leaders discussed their lives, experiences and activities in their writings. We can consult such literature. Also, should read their biographies. General Motivational literature can also present various practical tools. But their maximum focus is generally on personal gains. So, all their suggestions cannot be mechanically and indiscriminately absorbed. 




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Progressive Social Movements and Activists

Ajay Roy A few days ago, one of my friends was talking about various personal problems in life. How they have blocked his scope of social ac...